Noodle Doodles

There are days I practice taking pictures with only myself as the subject. Then there are days when I'm stuck in the back row of a plane, while my cousins are living it up together in the front row, so I doodle to entertain myself. How are these connected? Because both times I saved my creations for some off chance they inspired me to do more later. And what do you know! I became inspired recently to combine the two!

Veteran's Oasis Park Part I

My brother and I live about an hour apart. Which I guess for a lot of families wouldn't seem so far compared to their distances... But we shared a room for a good chunk of our childhood and now I can't borrow his Magic Tree House books just for the night anymore... So we like to meet up at some middle point in between our houses.

He suggested this park, which was cool, but slightly disappointing for the first hour. Then he shows me a map of the place and we were in the little paved section and hadn't seen the majority of the park. We still haven't!

Part I of a brother and sister "hike" through the Veteran's Oasis Park. Look out for Part II!

Spying on Timothy.
The red-shouldered bird my mom is in love with. But she is also in love with Grackles so...