Let Life Unfold

Explore Your Town - Tucson, Arizona Photography


“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” - Robert Burns

There are times in my life where I plan and plan and plan something only to show up and find my plans foiled! Foiled by the weather, or a cancellation, or the exact image in my head not actually showing up in front of my eyes (why can’t my brain just project reality?). Life has a way of foiling my plans! And yet…

Life has a way of unfolding itself in a much better way than I ever could have schemed up. I’ve learned to let things unfurl a little more naturally these days. Not to say I don’t still spend hours focused on devising the perfect plan! Rather, now I can show up with my perfect blueprints and toss them aside to embrace the moments gone awry. In the end, the unexpected bumps help to illustrate a better story than I ever could on my own. It’s part of the fun of creativity and working with others! I don’t meticulously plan out clothes or demand specific hairstyles for shoots. Of course we talk ideas over, but when I work with someone else they bring their interpretation to my ideas and in the end everything seems to melt together seamlessly to create something better than I could imagine. For the shoot featured in this post, my original plan didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, but somehow I found myself being drawn to little spots in downtown Tucson. Everywhere we ventured seemed to have these yellow and orange hues that ended up popping with Nikki and Hannah so well! I love that not only did this photoshoot act as an example of letting life unfold, but this photoset really reflects the practice too. In the pictures these girls aren't on a spectacular adventure in a far off land, but on an evening walk through a town we're all familiar with that still had magic to offer.

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