Grand Canyon Trip

Hey everybody! This past weekend was spent camping at the Grand Canyon National Park. So, for the rest of the week I'll be posting ALL Grand Canyon! It will be our little Grand Canyon Series. I even made this cover photo for the series. Today I'm posting photos of the canyon itself. Later this week I'll share pictures of the campgrounds, animals, and sun flares (I really love sun flares in images). I hope you enjoy!

I was worried everyone in our camping group was going to fall off the edge, but they survived!
There were little "viewing tubes" (as I've dubbed them), so you could focus on a specific rock layer. This is artsy fartsy, right?!

Happy International Women's Day

People have been celebrating today since 1911 and I am waaaaaaaay out of the loop since I just realized this. Indiegogo did a special week just for it! In celebration of today I thought I would share some awesome women-y projects that are taking place locally in my hometown.

Interview Forward
Interview Forward is a web-series based on the question, "What would you tell your younger self?" In each episode, Blazers (young women who are creating their own journey) interview Shakers (inspirational women with experience and stories to share). They empower women, especially young women, so clearly they are a perfect choice for the list. You can contact them with ideas or contributions for future episodes here!

Girls Being Girls
I recently heard of Girls Being Girls via Facebook (hehe)! It too is a web-series (run by girls as well!) you can access on Youtube. The show features young girls and women who are doing big things in their community. In fact, if you know someone who you think makes a great candidate, then you can even tweet your nomination to @tessaferguson!

And a very personal recommendation...

My Mutter
That's right. My mom has a new project... a blog! It's all about presenting her life honestly. And with lots and lots (I mean looooooots) of giggly humor. Whether good, bad, or embarrassing my mom wants to embrace her life, so check her out! Also I helped design her header and buttons, it's all so cute, it's the real reason I listed her, just kidding.

Take a look at these projects and empower women!! I believe all these projects introduce a different way to look at life and celebrate the people in it.

Please share with me who you think are some awesome women too!

Painting Gone Awry

My friend Kelly has been doing artsy nights lately, so this weekend I went to her house to paint! When I'm painting just for the fun of it (and not because I was struck with a brilliant idea) I like to paint a background first. Basically I'm buying time, trying to think of something. At Kelly's, I was so very proud of my background. Then I ruined everything by drawing over it with Sharpie. If I focus on the drawings individually, well I can pretend I look like an artistic genius. But all together I can't fool anyone! What I was going for has potential though...

Not all my ideas are brilliant at first, but I think it can be reworked. :P

I present the "Before & After" travesty.

Good Morning Sunflower!

 Why, good morning! Here is a giant flower sun and/or sun flower to say, "Hello! Have a great day!" And hopefully you will do just that (or you did just that?). This little design began as a class collage project. You can see it's humble beginnings below.

I'm goofy, not much to it.

Do you have any fun collages you've made? I'd love to seem them.

Bike Rides: The Canal

I really love riding my bike! I'm slow and "real" bikers are always calling out from behind me, so I will let them pass. I've tried biking to meetings... I end up late and my nose gets all red. But people seem to think it's endearing somehow! I'll go with it!

Here is a canal by my old apartment. I saw an entrance to the trail on my way home from school one day and wanted to check it out on my bike. Well, the side street I took there is very hilly. I ended up walking a good part of this "bike ride", hehehe.