Presenting Sweet Tooth!

If you'll recall, last week Tim and I went to Paletas Betty. He had a delicious cucumber mint popsicle and I just kept taking pictures of him. I think he was rather disturbed by that. Then to tease him I made a video of said pictures. Please, enjoy our goofiness!

Created by Ali Bastek

Featuring Tim Bastek

Music: "boring" by Gablé (

P.S. I loooove this music! If you do too, then check the musician out above!

Help Me! I've tasted Paletas Betty...

Have you been to Paletas Betty? I had seen their popsicles at the Gilbert Farmer's Market and I could not look away. I had just eaten some delicious waffles though and there was no room for any more treats! So, instead I thought of Paletas Betty for weeks. Really. My brother and I were walking around Downtown Chandler last week and I finally tried some!!! They use fresh and local ingredients in their popsicles and their Agua Vitas (fresh fruit + white tea). I can't stop. Help me.

Here is me falling in love.

Then my bro stole my tea!

You can peel the little sticker off the cup... I stuck it on my computer to lovingly stare at it.

Grand Canyon Sun Flares!

As I said earlier, I really love sun flares! For my final directing project in film school my instructor even wrote on my grade sheet that he was concerned by the amount of lens flares and sun flares. But I throw those concerns to the wind!!! I can't get enough flares! Until I ruin my lens or blind myself or something...

Ow! My eyes!

Animals of the Grand Canyon!

I love animals! I think the little cat peering over my shoulder in my blog banner gets that point across. And the amount of cat photos I take... Maybe you love animals too and you might just enjoy the following photos!
This little squirrel was following me down the path. People kept pointing at me and taking pictures, which was uncomfortable until I turned around and saw this dude!

Some ravens ate our apples on our campsite... We were anti-raven the rest of the weekend. >:l
This was on the way back home, but cows are cute!!