Mystic Dreamer Pt I

The Mystic Dreamer welcomes what cannot be seen with the eye. Yet, what is said to be intangible springs to life around her. She feels peace and clarity in the renewing breeze. Oneness beats down on her grateful skin in a sunny ray. Joy fills her soul as the desert blossoms with life. And the fragrance of purity dances to the stars on the delicate, smokey tendrils of incense.

Part II next week... Stop by!

P.S. Can you see the Nirvana inspired line?? :P

Katelyn & Josh Get Married! - Chandler, Arizona Wedding Photography

Katelyn and Josh got married this summer! They were surrounded by friends and family, which means lots of interaction for sweet, candid photos.

I love snapping candids! To me they capture little, personal moments that really convey character. Candids can catch who you are in that exact moment. They're one of my favorite kinds of memories.

My friend Bonnie and I shot the wedding together (you can check out more pictures on her Pinterest), and we really wanted a fun way to present the images to Josh and Katelyn. Since the wedding had a Japanese theme we wanted to incorporate that into the gift. Check out the gift below, complete with a Japanese Doll flash-drive!

Womanity 2014

Back in April, I was introduced to the group Woman As Hero, a student-led organization at ASU, when I was commissioned to make a video collaboration. They were hosting an event called Womanity (their second year in a row!) and wanted to capture the day.

I love listening to interviews because I get to hear so many stories and different points of view. And this project was wonderful to work on since I got to do just that and everyone had something interesting to say! They were all such thoughtful women and men, whose voices should be heard. Take a look at the collaboration below and make sure to check out all the collaborators as well!

Shot and cut by Ali Bastek

Womanity 2014 hosted this spring by Woman as Hero, an ASU student organization.
Learn more about Woman as Hero on their page.

Featuring keynote speakers Gloria Feldt, Soraya Chemaly, and Courtney Martin.
With special video guest Zenobia Mertel of Interview Forward.

Music: "Sky" by Apache Tomcat (link to their music!)

Nephelae: Desert Nymph Portraits - Arizona Narrative Photography

As the nymphs of cloud and rain, the Nephelae can pour life back into the landscape. With her strong, summer storms the Desert Nephelae nourishes the earth, but knows she must use her yearly rations wisely. While her sister nymphs deliver many pleas for the weary creatures they protect, she knows she must conserve her share of treasured, stormy weather. When she finally answers the thirst of desert wildlife, the Nephelae spills her cloudy pitchers and watches as her rains bring new life to the land.