Tree Beanie | Locally Made in Flagstaff, Arizona


On a snowy afternoon, I ventured down a winding highway to catch up with my friend, Tasia, at her family’s cabin. Past the city limits of Flagstaff, Arizona, nestled near the San Francisco Peaks, their property turns into a winter wonderland once the snow season hits. Ponderosa pine trees loom above their cabins, bunkhouse, yurt, and barn, all of which you can actually rent on airbnb. Definitely give them a look if you’re wanting to spend some time in Northern Arizona. I stayed there for one of my first weeks in Flagstaff, when I still wasn’t sure I would officially move to town, and their guest cabin is very cozy! 

As you can imagine, with that much space there is a lot to roam. We ran around with her dogs, Theo and Keli, I got to take a peek at their vintage fire truck, and she showed me the new beanies she had just knitted. Tasia is actually the owner and craftswoman behind Tree Beanie, hand knitted headwear that is locally made in Flagstaff. Since she had just finished so many new beanies, we wanted to take some photos to show them off. If you’re in the area, then you can shop Tree Beanie at Babbitt’s Backcountry. Even if you’re outside of Flag you can still shop Tree Beanie at their Instagram. They make a fun and cozy Christmas gift!

It’s really wonderful to know the person behind the company you are supporting, so here’s a little more about Tasia:

  • Why did you choose the name Tree Beanie? My beanies were originally called, "Tasia Beanies", but I didn't like having my name in my brand. So, I tried to think of what I would want my brand to look like. My tree of life tattoo on my shoulder came to mind. It seemed perfect! The tree represents my love for nature. In fact, my mom says that even as a kid I was always happier in the woods. It seemed like a good representation of me.

  • What made you start your company? Honestly, I figured out how to make a beanie and I didn't want to stop making them, but I also didn't want to collect a bunch of beanies. At the time, I was working for Babbitt's and the owner is a good friend. He agreed to let me sell them. They have been successful for three seasons so far!

  • How do you choose your yarn, the colors, and what patterns you want to create? I just pick colors and yarn that excite me. I love just walking around the yarn aisles until something sticks out to me. My patterns are actually pretty simple. They are usually just a variation of two stitches. I love the puff stitch because it always creates a cozy piece! Recently, I started making ear warmers because a friend requested I make one. Then, my husband Joel suggested I sew a fleece lining into them. The ear warmer has been a big hit this season. Currently, I'm making myself a neck warmer that stretches over my ears and mouth. I will release a photo soon for anyone interested.

  • What values help guide your career and company? I'm just doing something I love. It is such a humbling experience to have customers excited about what I make. I hope I can continue to do that! I am also a big supporter of buying handmade products. Handmade products are one-of-a-kind!!! Plus you are supporting a person and not a big corporation!

  • What's an accomplishment you are most proud of with Tree Beanie? Right now I'm proud that they are selling and people like wearing what I made. A few months ago my husband and I were in Safeway and I saw someone wearing one of my beanies! It was so cool to see!

  • Who are you outside of Tree Beanie? Well, I'm married to a tall, goofy red head! I'm a dog owner of two furry babies. I love rock climbing and spending time in the woods. I also like wearing cozy plaid, wool socks, and my cowgirl boots! Some of my favorite things include, candles, hot chocolate in a big mug, journaling, yarn, the sound of wind in the trees, big monsoon thunder storms, and the first snow of the year!

I also have my very own Tree Beanie hat and it has kept me warm while cross country skiing in Arizona, camping in the Utah winter, taking a chilly morning walk to a hot spring in Canada, and riding boats in Alaska! The striped colors on my beanie remind me of warm desert colors while I am far away from the landscape I grew up in. When the wind is blowing cold and harsh I never feel warm enough without a nice knit hat.  Once I slip one on over my head I instantly feel snug and toasty. Plus, they tame my frizzy curls, keeping them down on my shoulders rather than whipping around my face. Way less tangles involved with a beanie! I wear them on my walks down the windy beach and on any cold morning spent outside. You can see how much I love wearing it below…