High Tide: A Journal Entry from Alaska | Video


Back when there were more hours of sunshine here in coastal Alaska, I would wander down to the beach after work or on my days off. Coming from Wrangell St. Elias National Park & Preserve after the summer, this current little town of about 5,000 felt really BIG to me. There was noise everywhere! Tons of vehicles driving down the road. People packed in groceries stores. Voices, car horns, and so many other sounds anywhere I turned. Granted there’s only two traffic lights (we just got a new one last week!) and only two grocery stores to find yourself squished into. Yes, nowhere near as busy as Phoenix or Flagstaff. Still, compared to my quiet summer in a town of 300, this place feels a little overwhelming at times.

The beach was the perfect spot to get away. It’s still a popular destination for neighbors and their dogs, but if you walk far sufficient distance you’ll end up with just the ample amount of solitude. On this particular day back in October, I stepped out on to the shore, only to realize I couldn’t get nearly far enough to find the seclusion I longed for. Nope! The tide had come up so high I could barely make it down the sandy beach in either direction. I eventually settled for a log to sit on as I watched all the other perplexed walkers try to figure out a way around the unusual amount of water. Eagles soared in the bright blue sky above me. Dogs raced passed me, turning back to investigate my backpack before tearing off again. A breeze rustled through the tall grass and tiny little seaweed. Maybe I didn’t get the alone time or stroll I longed for, but my soul was filled up with a different kind of peace.

Enjoy this short video, to catch a slice of my time in Alaska. And if it inspires you, share with me about a time mother nature kept your plans from going as you had hoped!