Personal Storytelling - A Hike Through the Red Desert - Sedona, Arizona
Whenever I go to Sedona it almost doesn't seem real... And then when I get home and look at my footage it happens again, like, "Okay is the dirt really that red?" Enjoy!
Whenever I go to Sedona it almost doesn't seem real... And then when I get home and look at my footage it happens again, like, "Okay is the dirt really that red?" Enjoy!
When I was a kid my dad would pack my brother and I up for a day trip to Jack's Canyon where he would climb with his friends. One time, during a break from school, he told me we would be camping there for a week. At the time I was not about it... Well, the gods looked down on me and made it snow the first night, so we had to leave. :) But not before one cold, snowy night of camping that involved my dog getting into my sleeping bag and kicking me out so he could have all the warmth. Little brat. Last month I took a hike through snowy Jack's Canyon and couldn't help but think of all the times I've spent there with my dad!
In January, there was so much snow here that my roommates all had a 6 day weekend from work. Two of us have never had a white winter so we were excited to drive around and take in the view. I had my window down to fully appreciate the scenery, but then I took a bunch of blowing snow to the face. Brr!
Want more Arizona? Check out last week's MST!
Or The Secrets of the Desert!
Lately, I've been thinking about personal storytelling and how powerful it can be. Sharing your own personal story can open up a lot. Maybe you realize something about yourself or your life that you wouldn't if you hadn't shared or maybe your story impacts someone else. After thinking, I decided to start sharing personal stories of my own through a series called Mountain Standard Time. The videos really aren't too personal, but they show my love for the beauty of where I live. I'm not entirely sure where this little project of mine will go, but so far I have adored the process of reflecting on my weeks while creating these videos. I'm reminded of the simple things that bring me joy and also pushed to show gratitude for what I have. I hope you enjoy seeing a bit of life from my perspective!
Last month, my friends and I made a stop at Arcosanti, somehow perfectly timed at sunset during a rain. It was so beautiful! Mountain Standard Time is a series about living in Arizona, my home state. I think it's pretty cute here.
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